Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Another day in Radiation Land.

Another day down. I cant wait another 3.5 weeks and no more radiation. Its not that it hurts or anything but its so boring and makes my skin uncomfortable. I did meet with my Radiation Oncologist Dr. Ilahi today and she said based on some one my observations the treatments are doing their job so far, and that my skin is actually holding up rather well. Sorry I posted so late today I went and saw the new Pirates movie, it was ok. I am just enjoying getting out and doing stuff while I am still feeling good enough. Hope everyone is had a great day.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Feelin Good!!

I hope everyone had a great memorial day weekend. I did it was great. I spent a lot of time with family and friends. Found out my sister is having a BOY she is due mid Aug. I was hoping for a boy. Saw my uncle Larry who drove in from Georgia. Went to my cousin Mel's high school graduation. Went and watched the Rangers loose to the Red Sox's with Ryan R. and his pops. Had lunch on Memorial day with the Shuck's. It was a lot of fun to get out be and active again. I have been feeling really good the last week now, makes me not want to go back to chemo, but I'm just hoping it doesn't keep me down to long. No new news on the cancer front really nothing from the doctors. I have radiation all this week then next week I have another round of chemo. I am starting to feel the effects of the radiation which is like a bad sunburn in the treatment area and dry itchy skin, no fun let me tell you. That's it for today hope everyone is well.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Cant wait till the weekend

Thursday is in the books radiation is going well, man its boring though. I hate laying there not moving. One more day to go till the weekend which I am excited about. Tomorrow I meet with Dr. B and have radiation then a nice long weekend. We are hopefully finding out the gender of my sister Sarah and brother-in-law Chad's baby this weekend, she is due in middle august and I cant wait to know. I am feeling pretty darn well considering this is the time, 10 day after chemo, when my blood counts would be at their lowest but I have progressively been feeling better day to day. My fatigue is getting better too as well. Which make me very happy proves how our prayers are working (I love the power of prayer) keep em up people. I should be in Fort Worth most of the weekend so give me a ring if anyone might want to meet up for a short while. Oh and whats the deal here people I have only received one response from someone with a beautiful daughter, and I thank you for your response but yes I agree we wait until she graduates from college in 12 or so years.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Today is a good day

Today finds me feeling better than I have in a while. Slept in got up went to radiation met with the radiation oncologist and she is much more optimistic about the spot in my liver than the medical oncologist who is leading my treatments. Which was nice to hear she never said it was cancer but she she didn't say she though it was either I like her thinking. Anyhow two more treatment this week and meet with Dr. B my oncologist on Friday hopefully my blood counts are goods. That's what I am looking forward to. Its getting boring sitting around all day watching TV and surfing the net. Hopefully I can find something worthwhile to entertain myself. Well that's it for today I hope this finds everyone well.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Running out of titles

Again there is not much to say but that I went to radiation today and it went well. I am begining to feel alot better, still tired alot but my appitite is definitly coming back which is nice but I am even pickier now than before if thats even imaginable. But my tastes are changing and when something sounds good I only want that. My work called today and said they are putting me on disability. So that means I'm not working for a while. I wish I had a little more time to have gotten back in there but I guess they felt I had been out enough to justify it no hard feeling though, I love my job. I will get 60% of my salary and full benefits for the next six week and then just full benefits for the following 6 weeks so after 12 weeks I have to rely on God to provide for me , so in my next prayer I am hoping for the winning lotto numbers. My treatments should last about 4 months so there will be a short time Ill have to figure things out. Anyhow it sucks that it happened but I'm sure through god things will work out. Oh I will have a job there when all this is said and done, so don't look at it like I got laid off just going on a leave of absence. I realized through a comment yesterday or today that many of you are praying so hard for me yet have no clue who I am. As per request I am attaching some pictures of me and with some of my close friends so you have a face to go with the name. Hope everyone is having a great day.

PS: I am single, so if you are or have a beautiful daughter in the age group 21-27 and doesn't mind that I have a cancer give me a shout. Only I would put that out there, but hey who knows. HAHA


Monday, May 21, 2007

And so week two begins

Week two of treatments is upon us nothing really new to report. Spent the weekend with the family which was nice. My cousin Ethan stopped by to hang out for while too. I'm still tired alot which is to be expected I guess when dealing with chemo. I have radiation every day this week but no chemo treatments. Not much else going on just wanting to have a little energy to maybe get a little more active. Keep up the prayers you all doing great in that I'm sure.


Friday, May 18, 2007

Another wall to get climb.

Went to the oncologist today and didn't exactly get the news we were hoping for. In the PET results it shows that the cancer has more than likely spread to liver. Meaning it is in stage 4. They aren't 100% sure it is cancer but they believe it is. I will keep my fingers crossed. What does this mean? I am just going to have fight harder than I even could have imagined. The way this will all progress is that through the current treatment the cancer will go away but since it made it way out of the rectum already it will more than likely come back at some point. The thing is though they know nothing about my type of cancer being that is so rare. They can only compare it small cell cancer of the lungs but they differ alot and it makes it tough listening to a prognoses from one form of cancer to another that they don't know about. So that was a bit confusing but the way I am trying to look at is that if they don't know then nobody knows what will happen so with the power of god and every ones prayers lets make our own prognoses. That of our faith in Jesus Christ that he can do anything as long as we walk in his path, so lets believe that through him he will grant me the strength and knowledge to the doctors to knock this thing out. These are tough things to tell people and there is no easy way to do it one thing I ask of you is don't say how sorry you are for me because god has his plans and I am still trying to figure what that is and I will. Try to take something from the trials I am going to better yourself or relationship with those close to and most of God he will be the one to lead us though this. I don't think I have fully grasped the magnitude but I'm strong in mind and body and will not give up I give you all my word on that.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Rockin and Rollin

Things are moving along pretty well, finished the first round of chemo today. I'm holding up pretty well not much nausea just really fatigued i guess if I had my choice I am glad I'm only tired. I meet with my oncologist tomorrow to go over the PET results so everyone say a big prayer tonight that it didn't spread. Not much more update today tune in tomorrow for the much awaited PET results.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Trying to beat this thing!

Well day two is in the books. I went to work for a few hours today but left just feeling really tired, though only feeling slightly weird in the stomach. I slept for a whole night for the first time in more than month last night. I think it had alot to do with finally just relaxing that we are moving forward on this we finally be proactive in beating this. Then to get a few more hours of sleep before treatment was nice too. My chemo nurse was shocked to see how well I feeling in regards to the nausea usually associated with one of my chemo drugs. She said most people generally feel horrible after the first treatment but she said I am true fighter and had no doubt I would handle the treatment well. That made me feel real good about this things, I mean I had all the confidence already but to hear that from her was comforting. I have one more round of chemo tomorrow then I get a few weeks off from that, but continue on with the radiation daily. I am just so glad to truly fighting this now and I know through the Power of God and all your prayers I will be better in no time. Thank You once again for all uplifting words of encouragement.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Day 1 Down

The first day of many is in the books. It was a long long day got there for my scan at 6:45 got the glucose dye injected waited for it to take effect then got in the machine and was done with that around 8:30. I then sat around the waiting room eating my awesome breakfast of doughnut holes, kolaches, and Gatorade till the Dr.s show up the nurses can administer the drugs. Got to the treatment room around 9:10 got a brief rundown of everything before getting hooked up. The nurses were a little aggravated I had not had a chemo class because I was rushed though the system. The nurses just want every to be educated about the process. I was pumped full of fluids like I have never been before. Lets just say right now I am VERY hydrated. A good friend of mine brought me lunch today and sat with me for a while it was nice. Shortly after lunch I had my first Radiation treatment. IT was about 45 min nothing too bad. Then it was back to chemo for more drugs and fluids. I finally got out there around 4:15 the next two days will be much short than today. I feel pretty good no side effects yet, they say those usually doesn't hit until week or so after once your blood counts get altered. But I confident as long as I stay on top of it with my med I will hold up like a CHAMPION its my goal to get through this living as normally as possible and I know that will take a strong mindset. That was my eventful day.


Monday, May 14, 2007

It all begins tomorrow!!!

Tomorrow is the big day I am ready to get after it I am tired of feeling this way and its time to fight back. I worked my first full day in a while and it was nice to feel productive on that front. After work I went to dinner with a lot of my coworkers at Outback since I am on strict diet tonight before my PET scan first thing tomorrow. I can basically only eat high protein food with no sugar and carbs. So I had a great steak. Tomorrow is going to be one long day i have to be at the treatment center at 6:45 and have no clue when I get out. But I bought myself a video iPod so im sure i can stay occupied. I am pretty worn out its been a long day and another tomorrow, so pray for me now and god willing give me the strength to beat this into remission quickly.


Friday, May 11, 2007

Down to the Nitty Gritty

We are down to the point of no return. The soreness with mediport is going away now. That's a plus. The new bed was just amazing and I slept great. Today met with my Oncologist Dr. B and I starting both radiation and Chemo on Tuesday right after my PET Scan. It is going to last all day long. Then I will have two shorter chemo sessions the following two days. I am so ready to start fighting this instead of talking about it. Just ready to get after keep up your prayers cause I'm going to need them more now going through treatment. Take care have a great weekend tune back in on Monday for the newest updates.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Medi-port is in

Man alive no one told be they hack into you neck not just your chest to put this dang thing in. I kinda freaked me out the hear they were going to be cutting into my neck to attach this thing to a big vein. But its in and now im sore but that should only last a few days. Tomorrow like I said IM meeting with the Oncologist then maybe finishing the preplanning for the radiation to start that on monday. I got a new bed today and its awsome so hopefully maybe I might sleep a little for once. The guy at matress giant cut us a huge deal...just tell people you have cancer and they will hook it up try it some time...just kidding. But that was very nice of him to do that and I am very thankful. Anyhow not much left to say check back tomorrow cause I should have some updated as to chemo treatments and such.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

PET SCAN is scheduled... Finally

Well tomorrow really kicks things off I guess. I have the medport put in tomorrow morning. Meet with the Oncologist friday morning to go over the chemo. Then next tuesday is the all so important PET Scan which will tell us the extent of the cancer. I am going to cut today short Im really tired and dont want to type. I am so glad to finally have everything moving so I can start my treatment and beat this thing.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007

My back is hurtin

I had to take the day off today my back was killing me. I was up all night with spasms. Its due to sitting with the pain in my bum and having horrible posture because of it. But kept the heating pad on it day and medicated so I'm a little feeling better now. I am going to work go back to work tomorrow but not push it to hard. I heard from my doctor today and I am scheduled to have my medi-port put in Thursday morning. I it a basically an injection site that will implanted in my chest/shoulder area so I don't have to get an IV every time I have chemo. Then I will meet with the oncologist on Friday to go over the chemo treatment more in depth. I also think I am starting my radiation on Monday but that is not confirmed. That's it for now.



Monday, May 7, 2007

Start of a new week

Welcome back I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was nice got to see the family and went to church with them too. It was nice to see the level of prayer going on for meat my church it was really nice. I should have my PET scan this week just as soon as my insurance comes through. Then I think radiation is starting next monday. I am so ready to get after this and get going and beat it. I have been pretty tired since returning to work, its tough for me to sit for a long period of time so I think that is wearing on me but my great work is looking into getting me a chair that will be more supportive of my needs. Also I havent been able to sleep that well I wake up alot during the night, not fun. Man alive I need to quit complaining, ah well maybe Im entitled to a little here and there. Anyhow its rest time if im going to work tomorrow.

God Bless Ya!


Friday, May 4, 2007

A Day Off

Today I had a much needed day off. Well kinda. I didnt have any Dr. appointments or tests for what seems like quite a while. I guess I better just used to it. I did however spend my first full day at work in a while. It was nice to be back and working, but I have to admit it wore me out a little. But i guess i have to look at it like i need to get used to being a little tired and just working through it cause its only going to get tougher from here. So the quicker I just buck it up and deal with being tired the better off ill be. Any how no real news today just going to take the weekend off, relax and rest up. Hopefully I will find out monday when I will have my PET Scan the only test we are waiting on and the most important. Thats the one that will tell us IF and how far it has spead. Ill keep eveyone updated.

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, May 3, 2007

More Tests

Today finds me well. I had two tests today my bone scan and an mri of my brain. Both were pretty boring lots of laying around not moving, so you would think it wouldnt be that tiring but my goodness it is tough to stay still. Im not sure what the bone scan is for but the MRI was to take a look at my brain, they probably didnt see anything, HAHA. That was my bad attempt at being funny. It was to see if the cancer had gone into the brain just a precautionary thing. All this activity the last two days has made me a little tired but its a good tired. I am so glad to be out doing stuff and not just sitting around. The pain medicine has treated me well allowing me to get back to a more normal life. Alot of people have been saying how sorry they are that I have gotten this cancer and that its not fair. But you know what I think its not about being sorry Im not. I wouldnt have wished this on or wanted anyone else to have to deal with this, there is a reason I have gotten it and we just have to wait until god reveals his reasons why. There is lesson I am supposed to learn I figure or to make me abetter person somehow for having to go through this. So look at it like I am, figure out how this touches you and how we will all be better for it in the long run, I know its tough in the face of adversity but we will all come out of this better people and stronger in our faith when the big guy rids me if this cancer.

Have a great day!


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Radiation Planning

Well another good day in the world of Jake. Before I start updating I want to take minute and thank each and every person who has read this Blog and is praying for me, that is what is going to get me through this, well that and my never give up attitude. Today I had the preplanning for my radiation. Which consists of running a shorter version of the treatment in order to make sure they know exactly where they want the radiation hit. Then they put three little tatoos on you line you up in the future. I have to admit having that needle poked into my belly not fun. So now I have these three little reminders of this ordeal. Well I knew I wanted another tatoo so I guess I got my wish huh. I went back to work today and that was great just getting back to normal. I was worn out at the end of the day but I figure I am just going to have to get used to that. I have more test to tomorrow so check back then and ill let you know how those went.

Thanks again for the prayers and all the support


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I Have Cancer

I am creating this blog as way to allow people to keep up with what is going on through out my treatment. I figure this will be easier than trying to remember to call and keep everyone updated all the time. Just to refresh everyone or inform those who havent heard, I was diagnosed with Small Cell cancer of the rectum, yeah not a fun place to have cancer. I am going to be very frank and up front in this and not sugar coat it, so for the faint of heart beware. Small cell cancer is a very fast growing form of cancer that must be caught early for a better chance of starting treating before it spreads. We are still not sure if it has spread outside the rectum/colon I will find that out after a few more test this week. This is an inoperable cancer and can only be treated through chemotherapy and radiation treatment, which will be starting as soon as we run a few more tests. Not too much is known about this type of cancer associated with the rectum so they give a 30-40% chance of complete recovery but i dont think this applies to me because I am JAKE and so I put my odds around 90%. I have decided to stay here in dallas and recieve my treatments up here and continue to work as long as I can. I want to keep thing as normal as possible and not let it get me down and it hasnt I am problably taking the news better than anyone else who has heard it so far. I am just ready to get the treatment started and get better.
Stay tuned I will try and update regularly. I know eveyone is there for me if need you but for now just pray for me and a fast recovery. Please feel free to leave comments or email me at, i would give yall my work email but ill be in and out so much i dont want to miss them.
