Sunday, November 25, 2007

In Valencia

We arrived in Valencia, Spain this afternoon after 2 days in Barcelona. Our hotel is an apartment which we got a heck of deal on and is cheaper and nicer then any place we have stayed thus far. It is beautiful here in spain and cant wait now to move and see what the rest of Europe is like. I got to go to a FC Barcelona game last night and it was the highlight for me so far getting to watch one of the best soccer teams in the world win 3-0. We are having a grand ole time moving around and seeing as much as can be seen in a few weeks. We leave spain tomorrow on the overnight train into Paris. It should be cool cause we have a sleeper cabin. We are then hearding directly up to Caen in Normandy to see the D-Day beaches and musuems, I cant wait. Then back to paris and on to Belgum and the Netherlands. Hope everything is great back home.

God Bless


Anonymous said...

God has made everything beautiful in its time.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Anonymous said...

It sounds wonderful Jake! I am envious!

Heather said...

Your trip sounds awesome - have fun and take lots of pictures!