Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Back to Chemo :-(

I had my first round of chemo today. I think I am going to handle this drug a lot better than I did the last. Plus this drug only takes an hour to finish rather than the 3 days that the last drug took. Dr. Crim thinks based on the way I handled the last drug this one will be a relative cake walk, lets hope. I go back next wed. to get another round then I will be off until I get back from Europe. All in all though at least I have something back in my system to help hold this off.

God Bless


LBJ said...

Good you see you still posting. You are in a lot of peoples thoughts and prayers.. I hope you are savoring every day of this crisp fall weather before the snow starts.

Anonymous said...

Where in Europe are you going? I hope you have an absolute blast!

Anonymous said...

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.

Proverbs 15:30

JDP said...

God bless you Jake and your family. We are keeping you in our prayers.


Anonymous said...


God's Blessings to Jake as you go through these rounds of chemo!

We haven't signed up for your softball games; though, Dean, Chandler (our 9 year old) and I will be out there in the morning to show our support. Chandler will be all geared up to play, too, if you need someone extra! He's 9 but he can sure play!

See you tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Best of luck with this round. You've got lots to look forward to, it will help you through. Take care!